Source code for archive_rotator.rotator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


File moving logic goes here.

from datetime import datetime
from glob import iglob
import logging
import re
import os
import shutil

FILE_NAME_GLOB = '*.backup-*'
FILE_NAME_REGEX = r'backup-(?P<rotation_id>\d+)'
FILE_NAME_TMPL = ".%(datetime_str)s.backup-%(rotation_id)d%(ext)s"

[docs]class Paths(object): """ Holds configuration of paths. Computes the output path. """ @property def full_input_path(self): return os.path.join(self.input_dir, self.input_fn + self.input_ext) @property def output_path_no_ext(self): return os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.input_fn) @staticmethod def _get_now(): # XXX: this is here to facilitate mocking in unit tests return
[docs] def full_output_path(self, next_rotation_id): suffix = \ FILE_NAME_TMPL % \ {'datetime_str': self._get_now().strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT), 'rotation_id': next_rotation_id, 'ext': self.input_ext} return os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.input_fn + suffix)
def __init__(self, path, ext, destination_dir): # if a file extension was specified, trim it off the path # we do not try to guess extensions, only use if explicitly configured path_without_ext = path if not ext else path.rsplit(ext, 1)[0] dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(path_without_ext) self.input_dir = dir_name self.input_fn = file_name self.input_ext = ext if ext else "" self.output_dir = destination_dir if destination_dir else dir_name
def _rotated_files(path): """Generator. Yields the next rotated file as a tuple: (path, rotation_id) """ for globbed_path in iglob(path + FILE_NAME_GLOB): match =, globbed_path) if match: yield globbed_path, int('rotation_id')) def _next_rotation_id(rotated_files): """Given the hanoi_rotator generated files in the output directory, returns the rotation_id that will be given to the current file. If there are no existing rotated files, return 0. """ if not rotated_files: return 0 else: highest_rotated_file = max(rotated_files, key=lambda x: x[1]) return highest_rotated_file[1] + 1 def _locate_files_to_delete(algorithm, rotated_files, next_rotation_id): """Looks for hanoi_rotator generated files that occupy the same slot that will be given to rotation_id. """ rotation_slot = algorithm.id_to_slot(next_rotation_id) for a_path, a_rotation_id in rotated_files: if rotation_slot == algorithm.id_to_slot(a_rotation_id): yield a_path def _move_files(algorithm, paths, verbose): # reconstruct rotation state from the file names in output dir rotated_files = list(_rotated_files(paths.output_path_no_ext)) next_rotation_id = _next_rotation_id(rotated_files) to_delete = list(_locate_files_to_delete(algorithm, rotated_files, next_rotation_id)) if verbose: rotation_slot = algorithm.id_to_slot(next_rotation_id)"New file: rotation_id=%s, rotation_slot=%s" % (next_rotation_id, rotation_slot)) # rename/move the input file from_path = paths.full_input_path to_path = paths.full_output_path(next_rotation_id) shutil.move(from_path, to_path)"Moved %s to %s" % (from_path, to_path)) # remove old archives for f in to_delete: os.remove(f)"Removed %s" % f) # log the set of rotated files if verbose:"Current rotation set:") for f, d in _rotated_files(paths.output_path_no_ext): a_rotation_slot = algorithm.id_to_slot(d)"- %s / slot id %s" % (f, a_rotation_slot))
[docs]def rotate(algorithm, path, ext="", destination_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Programmatic access to the archive rotator :param algorithm: an instance of BaseRotator from :param path: full path to input file :param ext: (optional) file extension to preserve :param destination_dir: (optional) different location for output file :param verbose: (optional) print more to stdout :return: nothing """ paths = Paths(path, ext, destination_dir) _move_files(algorithm, paths, verbose)